Morgellons Undressed and Simplified -  Co-Factors   5/8/2022 


By communicating with thousands of Morgellons sufferers over the years, I 've come to realize that it’s safe to say that there are no two Morgellons sufferers with exactly the same symptoms. According to Dr. Savely in her book, "Morgellons: The Legitimization of a Disease," Morgellons is characterized by growth of filaments from one's skin or lesions. But no two individuals even have the same size, colors and lengths of filaments. Filaments can be microscopic in size to large thick filaments.

In addition to various size, thickness, and color of filaments, some have white or black goo, many have none, Some have non healing lesions and some have none. Many have bumps on their skin (Purgio nodularis) but not everyone. Some have aches, pains, and fibromyalgia and some don't. Some also report having sparkles all over their skin, many don't. Some have stomach and intestinal issues and many don't. Some have issues with their teeth and mouth and many don't. Some are paranoid and exhibit bi-polar symptoms, many aren't. Many have brain fog, some don't. Some have disfiguring lesions on their face, most don't. Some have rashes, most don't. Many have brain fog, some don't. Most have intense itching, and some don't. Most experience feeling of being bitten, some don't. Some have burning skin, others don't. Some have intense scalp issues, others don't.

Some have skin rashes and others don't and even those with rashes generally the rashes are different in size, color intensity and location.

Some have hives near the anus and most don't. And the list goes on and gets more complicated because everyone has more than one of the symptoms listed in addition to the strange filaments.

Who in the world could possibly believe there's an easy solution? This is mind boggling. And generally, those investigating Morgellons only look at the filaments and lesions as the culprit and what's worse is that they get pigeon holed as explained in the summary.

What might explain all these different symptoms? Co-factors explain everything. In fact, from my experience, Morgellons is not a big problem, it's because Morgellons seems to provide a fertile environment for many co-factors, which (by themselves may not ever be an issue or remain dormant), create a perfect storm to destroy one's health.

Over the years, I've become aware of many predominate co-factors and they also differ from sufferer to sufferer. But, when the co-factor/s are dealt with, Morgellons falls off the wall like Humpty Dumpty .

► A pilot study research done by Midevehann and Strickler finds 90% of Morgellons afflicted people have one or more variations of spirochetes, but not 100%. Read “The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation Announces A New Study That Strengthens Association Between Tickborne Infections And Morgellons Disease” 12/9/18 published 12/9/19 [9]

► Some experts claim syphilis is involved.

► I estimate 90% have one several types of fungal issues - candida albicans, blastomycosis, and the list is endless.
► 100%, according to many experts, have intestinal parasites such as pin, hook, round, flat and tape worms.
► Slime mold for a small percentage
► Moldy environment for about 20%.
► About 15% report having other nematodes in their throat, ears, and head.

► Some believe Morgellons is an insect of some type, it is not. Morgellons can parasitize insects, but it is not an insect.

► Some believe Morgellons is an organism that can eat wood, concrete, ceramics, metal and so on as reported in one website? While this phenomenon may be reported in some instances. Morgellons is not such an organism and the actual organisms for such behaviour are unknown but release an enzyme capable of dissolving concrete, counter tops, metal, and so on.
► A small percentage dealing with organisms that emit enzymes allowing them to eat through counter tops, metal cans, wood, and even concrete.
► A small percentage are dealing with Myiasis - infection with a fly larva, usually occurring in tropical and subtropical areas.
► Others are dealing with Filariasis - a tropical disease caused by the presence of filarial worm
► Heavy metal toxicity is an issue with 90% or more (amalgum filings).
►One lady found that she had Mansonella Perstans - a vector-borne human filarial nematode, transmitted by tiny blood-sucking flies called midges.
► Then there is  protozoan like Babesia
► Amoebas that can complicate things and be life threatening. - Entamoeba histolytica.
► Bartonello - bacteria that live primarily inside the lining of the blood vessels
► Sporotrichosis - Rose Gardner's disease caused by a fungus called Sporothrix.
From questionnaires I receive it appears that:
► 90% are dealing with Collembola
► 70 to 90% are dealing with mites of some kind
► 70% are dealing with skin fungus (red burning skin)
► 50% have bumps in their skin (Purgio Nodularis) - Itchy nodules
► Many are dealing with bio films on the skin or internal
► Stronglyoides found in about 20%

And the list goes on and on. Fortunately, our protocol handles most of these co-factors, but not all. For instance, the lady with Mansonella Perstans was fortunate to find a doctor who knew about the having tests done for weird organisms and had it done whereas most doctors are ignorant about testing for most, if not all, of these parasites.

Even parasites like Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness could be a co-factor but as of this writing, I haven't heard of anyone being diagnosed with it. Then there are sand fleas, the cloth mite, Strepsiptera, and so on. Get the picture?

And let's not forget the complication paranoia and bipolar bring to this table. If it's not aliens giving us Morgellons, it's the terrible neighbor next door or birds following them.
I'm sure that as time goes on there will be additions to this post.

Unfortunately, the access to medical test for most of these co-factors is non-existent and as noted before, many (not all) of these co-factors are often not an issue until Morgellons comes on the scene and then all hell breaks loose.

What I also know is that many have written me with various claims of cures:
► Some have told me that lufenuron cured them
► Some say the King Diet cured them
► Some say Ketanazole cream cured them
► Some claim that drinking baking soda cured them
► Some claim fen ben cured them
► Some claim a cocktail of essential oils cured them
► Some claim SSKI (super saturated Potassium Iodide) cured them - sporotrichosis would be the co-factor.
► And if syphilis is the issue, then penicillin might cure them.
And the list goes on and on.

Truth is that none of the above or anything actually cures Morgellons. For instance, lufenuron, Ketanazole cream, and anti fungals handle the fungal issues and Morgellons falls
Fen ben doesn't cure Morgellons, but when  intestinal parasites and other nematodes are gotten rid of, Morgellons may fall.

Our approach using the King Diet and supplements builds health and immune functioning often making Lyme disease a non-issue and Morgellons falls.

In summary, you undress Morgellons by taking away the co-factors that make it the "perfect storm," to destroy one's health. And we have found the first step to do that is making the King Diet work followed by attacking the co-factors per recommendations in my protocol. Unfortunately, not all the co-factors have been identified. For instance, the lady with Mansonella Perstans was fortunate enough to have a doctor that knew about strange organisms and had a resource to have tests done and analysed. According to her treatment is Doxycycline for 6 to 8 weeks followed up with one doe of Ivermectin 12mg and 1000 mg of Albendenzole. Most doctors simply dismiss the possibility of these organisms infecting us.
What is disconcerting is that it seems that everyone who works with Morgellons Disease gets pigeon holed. The Charles Holman Association and physicians like Dr Savely treat Morgellons as Lyme disease.

I just saw a post on facebook by Michael Chapella claiming myisas is the issue,  "Leland Stanford University is responsible for your lesions, the Fruit Flies that grow in your body. A fruit fly hormone has been inserted in your body programmed to cause your body to create pregnant Fruit Flies that deliver eggs, eggs turn to Larvae, to pupa, to maggots to flies to lesions, when they fly out of your body. Call them, tell them you’re not happy with the work they did and you want to know how to turn off the ecdysone switch so your body stops looking like a fly trap, don't be kind don't be sweet and ask if they have insurance. 605 723 2300

Oh right, Mimosa Pudica will kill the fly larvae as soon as it hits your blood stream. I have been posting this once a week since last July."

Another youtuber with a channel about Morgellons, claims is about spirochetes (Lyme and often times Syphilis).

Dr Amin claimed it was mainly about mercury toxicity from your filings.

Dr. Karjoo (no longer in practice) claimed it was about silica.

Many you youtube claim is fungal.

Seems like everyone has their pet theory about what causes Morgellons.

I compare Morgellons to the King on the chess board – the most important piece but not the most powerful. Protecting the King are the pawns, bishops, rooks, knights and the Queen. Once those pieces are defeated, the King falls and the game is over.