Help Wanted and Other Opportunities

Opportunities to Contribute and or Earn Commissions or Product

Volunteer Positions

1 Facilitator for telephone group for those who are being double abused. Their doctors claim that they are delusional and at home they have no support or ridiculed.

2. Angels who can contribute about $250 monthly to support someone who has Morgellons and has no friends or resources to help out.

3. An Angel manager to select recipients for Angel awards

4. Someone who can start a Go Fund Me Page to raise funds to help those in need.

Commissionable Work Opportunities

1. Sales rep for our Go Planet Green Degreaser to market and sell our all purpose degreaser to schools, nursing homes, colleges, hospitals, car rental agencies, and so on. Go to to learn more about the product. Helps if you already have an association with a large organization that uses cleaning products.

2. Sales rep for our Beauty Forever line of products to other on-line stores or market through FaceBook, Instagram etc.

3. Public relations to submit our press releases to other blogs, radio personalities and so on.


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