Naturopaths and Other Health Professionals Welcome
Morgellons Disease is an affliction that is either becoming more widespread or more people are not accepting the medical diagnosis of “Delusions of Parasites,” from their doctors.
You are often the first professional that these sufferers turn to for help and unfortunately, you may know little about the disease.
Allow me to be of value to you and your patient. I’ve learned quite a bit over the course of 20 years and I keep learning more so I am not stagnant in my approach. My book, How to Get Your Life Back from Morgellons, Chronic Lyme, and Other Skin Parasites, as well as my report Lyme Disease Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore are free to you.
Recent research finds that nearly all Morgellons patients also have Lyme disease.
There are two phases to my program:
Phase I has three parts:
1. A very specific diet, the King Diet™
2. Disinfection of surroundings to minimize reinfection
3. Deep cleaning the skin utilizing our Nature’s Gift Debriding soaps, lotions, gels, creams, and so on.
Phase II
Specific targeted supplements to build health and immune functioning that are compatible with the King Diet™. And that’s the key—compatibility.
As time goes on, more and more of you are contacting me for guidance.
What I can do for you:
I can provide a detailed personalize protocol for each of your patients based on their answers to a questionnaire.
I can provide you the soaps and lotions and supplements we use on a wholesale basis for resale. Or, if you order for each of your patients from our store, provide you with a lucrative commission based on the value of their order.
Additionally, your patient, if you choose, may email me direct with questions or we can do three way coaching sessions. There is no charge for emails from your patients and there would be a coaching fee for three way calls.
And, I would be available to coach you at no charge to be of the most value to your patients.