Ammonia is a strong disinfectant that was instrumental in me defeating the parasites in the my environment. The good thing about ammonia is that it has a strong pungent terrible odor - nothing you'd want to breathe. And, that's good because ammonia is a neuro toxin. So, when I sprayed in on my clothing, bedding, and furniture, I always sprayed and moved away to avoid smelling it.
In my questionnaire, attached, the last question is if you use ammonia on your body. The answer I always hope to get is, "no," and most provide that reply.
However, recently a young lady wrote to tell me how she wets her scalp with ammonia and then uses a swimmer's cap to contain it during the night.
I wasted no time replying to her email informing her that ammonia is a neuro toxin.
One night she could go to bed feeling fine and not wake up ever again because her potassium balance got screwed up and stopped her breathing.
Here are the facts about ammonia toxicity.
"Elevated concentrations of ammonia in the brain as a result of hyperammonemia leads to cerebral dysfunction involving a spectrum of neuropsychiatric and neurological symptoms (impaired memory, shortened attention span, sleep-wake inversions, brain edema, intracranial hypertension, seizures, ataxia and coma)."
"Ammonia is highly toxic. Normally blood ammonium concentration is < 50 µmol /L, and an increase to only 100 µmol /L can lead to disturbance of consciousness. A blood ammonium concentration of 200 µmol /L is associated with coma and convulsions."
Let's look at bleach. Many doctors recommend a cup or so of bleach in a bath, but not much more.
"Bleach is very irritating and corrosive to the skin, lungs, and eyes. As well, it has been known to burn human tissue internally or externally. On top of this- it may cause skin rash, extreme headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, abdominal discomfort, esophageal perforation, nausea and vomiting."
So, while bleach may not be as dangerous as ammonia, I wouldn't go more than a cup and a half in your bath.
Same is true for pool shock. No more than two ounces in a in your bath.
And, never ever, never ever mix ammonia with either bleach or pool shock as the mixture will release deadly chlorine gas that will literally kill you.