Hypoglycemia and Morgellons Disease 5/1/19


This subject came up in our Sunday Support Meeting. Shifting to the King Diet™ contained in my book, How to Get Your Life Back from Morgellons..., to deal with Morgellons Disease, isn't always that easy. Poor eating habits can result in hypoglycemia which may complicate getting your life back from Morgellons Disease.

Hypoglycemia is generally a result of one's high glycemic diet--another way of saying that they eat a lot of junk food high in sugar and simple carbohydrates. In fact, they often get addicted to eating doughnuts, cakes, chips, ice cream, sugary soda, and so on.

After a high load sugar meal, the pancreas releases lots of insulin to handle the high load of sugar in the blood. If the sugar level in the blood goes too high, poor brain health can occur.

However, over time the pancreas over reacts and creates too much insulin resulting in a sudden low level of sugar in the blood stream which is often accompanied by the physical symptoms of heart palpitations, anxiety, shakiness, panic attacks, headaches, irritability, hunger, sweating, fatigue, and brain fog to name a few.

This type of eating also can create a healthy environment for Candida Albicans. Candida affects the digestive system and results in bloating and distension of the abdomen. In extreme situations it's important to stop eating anything that can easily ferment--sugar, white flour products, alcohol, cheese, milk, and most fruits. Does that look familiar? Stage I of the King Diet™ is exactly that and more. Additionally, lufenuron is often used to deal with Candida.

Suddenly, along with these physical symptoms, is a craving or hunger for another sugar load. It is the precursor to diabetes. Years of this behavior often results in advanced symptoms such as confusion, visual disturbances, seizures, and loss of consciousness.

The King Diet™ is the complete opposite of a hypoglycemia diet. When one stops eating the junk foods and eliminates sugar, there is often a period of withdrawal. And, it's much like a smoker stopping smoking having withdrawal symptoms.

The sweet foods are craved and in their absence are physical symptoms much like the hypoglycemic reaction with headaches, anxiety, panic, brain fog and so on. But, now, since one has stopped consuming sugar or enriched flour products (cake, doughnuts, pies, ice cream...) these feelings can last up to 72 hours. 

It's like the body has become lazy and forgot how to process complex carbohydrates, protein as in meats, nuts, legumes, and so on are unknown to the body. It has to re-learn to metabolize these complex carbs and proteins which may take a few days as the withdrawal symptoms diminish over these few days. Drinking lots of water is a good thing to do.

Also, what is happening, is that the body has become very accustomed to converting the sugar laden foods to fat cells often resulting in obesity. The organ responsible for this is the liver. With the excess calories that accompany a high sugar hypoglycemic diet, it stores it away as fat cells. If you have any doubt about being hypoglycemic, you can have your doctor order you a 6_hr glucose tolerance test. Shorter tests are available, but it may take longer than 3 hrs to show up.

When you shift to a low glycemic diet like the King Diet, the liver has to shift to another
modus of operandi. The liver now has to shrink those fat cells to extract the stored sugar to raise blood sugar levels. Blood sugar level going too low will also damage the brain.

A great book to read is The Sugar Blues by William Duffy 1975

Strangely, food addictions and food allergies also are related to blood sugar changes. From my book, The Scale Conspiracy, which is about dealing with habitual and emotional eating. I've copied the following section.

Food Addictions

"The biggest problem with a food addiction is that you often feel powerless to control it and may sometimes feel that you are truly self-defeating. This is because when you ingest even a small portion of the addictive substance you experience a craving sensation. This sensation is never satisfied until it's almost impossible to eat any more of it. Without an understanding of what's really happening, you might think that you have a "screw loose" in the head or that you have a deep psychological problem.

Some experts believe that food addictions are a form of allergy. An allergen in the food you crave chemically reacts in the liver to release blood sugar. This mimics a hypoglycemic reaction and causes sensations in the body's midsection that are interpreted by the person as hunger pangs.

It's important to stop eating addictive foods because they essentially are poison. The smallest amount of an addictive substance can trigger a reaction that interferes with freedom of choice. Speaking from my own experience with Dunkin' Doughnuts, I'd eat one and have a craving that could only be satisfied by eating three or four more doughnuts.

When I learned of the biochemical response to food addictions and how to handle it, I decided to test the theory. I made an agreement with myself to stop eating doughnuts for three months. I stuck to it by reminding myself that it was a test and that it was more important to know the results of this test than it was to eat a doughnut.

At the end of three months, I ate one doughnut and the craving returned. I had to eat three more doughnuts. My first reaction was fear: "Oh no, I blew it, I'll gain all the 15 pounds back—there is no hope for me." Fortunately, my next thought was, "Well, maybe there is something to this 'biochemical theory.' Well, if I did it once, I can do it again."

Again I contracted with myself to stop eating Dunkin' Doughnuts for three months. Another three months passed. I ate another one and again found the craving still there. Again fear struck: "Oh no, I'll gain back the 40 pounds." Fortunately, my next thought was, "Well, if I did it two times, I can do it again. Maybe this time doughnuts will be out of my life forever." So I made the new agreement for another six months. When six months had passed, I had another one. That was it! No craving! Today, if I want one, I can have just one. Maybe I eat four doughnuts a year.

That is a big difference from the eight or ten a week I used to consume. No matter what your addictions are—orange juice, bread, chocolate cake, whatever—you can learn to handle them the same way I handled mine.