Super Saturate Postssium Iodide SSKI Added to On-line Store 2/7/19 |
Supersaturated Saturated Potassium Iodide, SSKI, has been added to the on-line store--30 ml for $19.95. You can find all the information you want about using it for Morgellons by going to and searching for SSKI. I've added it to the store as a convenience for anyone who is researching it and wants to try it for their physical ailments. It can be used topically or taken internally. According to WebMd, it has been typically used to "loosen and break up mucus in the airways. This helps you cough up the mucus so you can breathe more easily if you have long-term lung problems (e.g., asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema). This medication is known as an expectorant." |