Aside from filaments and fibers growing from your skin, Morgellons and sufferers of other skin parasites also experience other symptoms:
1. Abdominal bloating and discomfort.which can be associated with Morgellons.
2. Fatigue which can be associated with Morgellons.
3. Rashes which can also be associated with Strongyloides
However, all three of the above symptoms can be from internal parasites such as pin worms, round worms, hook worms, tape worms and so on. For more information read Signs Your Body Is Full of Parasites.
One thing for certain, Morgellons and other skin parasites such as Collembola and Stronglyoides, invite co infections such as internal parasites. Same it true for Lyme disease. One of the first things to do for all of these skin parasites and Lyme disease is to detox to simply rule out any further complications from internal parasites which usually reside in the gut and rectal areas.
There are many dewormers available on the market and most of them are not cheap. Popular one contain black walnut and wormwood which are OK for Morgellons, however, they may feed Collembola. My protocol consists of using diatomaceous earth--more information in a previous blog post, DE vs Bentonite Clay Morgellons Treatment.
Some have found our
Mouth Wash also effective for getting rid of internal parasites as published in my blog post Mouth Wash Just May Be So Much More.
With regard to tape worms, according to Dr. Luna who provides us with lufenuron, Praziquante is the only med that works. It's available through Petco as a pet med.